Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Field Day Teams

Field day teams

One bright and sunny day on April, 20th we had gym. A week ago Coach Stone said that she was going to pick field day captains the next time you are here. I waited for about a week, until coach stone finally picked captains. First she picked the girl runner up captains and that was Andee. Next, she picked the boy runner up captain and that was Josh number 1. Next, coach stone said "The moment we have all been waiting for, the girl captains is Megan."We all clapped and then coach stone said, "now for the boy captain," and that was me. Finally,we picked teams.  First, I picked Spencer, then Josh number 2, then Kyle and Jonny, and all the rest of my team. We played hoop dodgeball and if you saw our team your mouth would drop to the floor. My team was the first to score and Spencer scored the basket. Near the end the score was 6-6 and it was the last round, I was the last one in. I had all the dodge balls and they had none, I went up to the basketball hoop and missed the first shot. Luckily Orlando missed the ball I had another chance. I went back up to the hoop, I fired the ball the hoop was made and we won. We all said GG (good game) and we went back to class. 

written by: Caiden

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